In June 2020, WCHI started the Mickley Run Apartment Complex Outreach Program to recreate the “Roseto Story” in Whitehall and Coplay. Back in the 1950’s, Roseto (outside of Bangor) was a close knit town where neighbors worked together as a community to help their fellow neighbors. I am proud to report that this has happened in Whitehall and Coplay since we opened our Food Pantry in January.
Through my weekly newspaper columns and email blasts, I have been emphasizing helping your friends, families, co-workers, and neighbors who are in need of food. As WCHI has moved through 202 with a myriad of programs (Food Pantry, Children’s Summer Feeding Program, Free Community Meals, and soon to launch Senior Boxes for qualified low income seniors age 60+), Whitehall and Coplay residents have realized there truly is a food insecurity issue right here in their backyards. And they have stepped up to help. Thank you all for this act of kindness. Many of our guests do not have transportation to attend our Food Pantry or Free Community Meals. Several households either do not own a car, rely on public transportation or walking to get around Whitehall/Coplay, or there is only one car and it is needed to get the resident to work. Our community is now helping their neighbors by bringing them to our Pantry or picking up food for them and delivering it to their homes. Also, the public has made food, toiletry and monetary donations to WCHI. Roseto Story has come to fruition here in Whitehall and Coplay. Together we are making a difference in people lives. And WCHI thanks you!! This Thursday, October 14th is our next Food Pantry distributions in the parking lot at St John the Baptist Church, 3024 S Ruch St, Whitehall 11am-1pm and 5:30-7:00pm. Lines are long and proof of Whitehall/Coplay residency is required. For more info, please call me. For the Pantry, we request these three items for the coming holidays: Stove Top Stuffing, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, and Cranberry Sauce. For a full list of needed items Several people have contacted me to organize a Food and/or toiletry Drive for WCHI. Please go to On Tuesday, October 19th WCHI’s Free Community Meal will be at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church from 4:00-6:30pm. Hot “Drop and Go” meals are guaranteed for the 1st 100 guests. For more info on the meal, please call 610-730-3184. WCHI is providing Snack Pack Pals to both the Whitehall-Coplay School District (K-12) and St Elizabeth Regional School, Whitehall (PreK-8). Children, who have severe hunger needs at home, receive a bag of food over long weekends (Columbus Day) to help them have something to eat before they return to school. Last week WCSD distributed 186 packs and St Elizabeth 10 packs. Questions?? Please contact Leah Saliby [email protected] or Mary Spieker [email protected] WCHI has enough food to provide Packs through the winter for this program. The only food item we do need is Rice & Pasta Sides – such as Knorr Pasta or Rice packets. WCHI thanks the community for your monetary and food/toiletry donations. Please make your check payable to WCHI and in the memo section, please write which program your donation is for. All Donations are appreciated and ma
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